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Educational Data Systems, Inc. (EDSI)

Educational Data Systems, Inc. (EDSI)


Consulting Workforce Development


Workforce Development Program SolutionsEDSI has provided workforce development program services for over 35 years. Within this business segment, we assist individuals with the transition from unemployment to employment and from under-employment to self-sufficiency. EDSI works hard to promote unsubsidized employment, self-sufficiency, and smooth program operations for our government clients. EDSI provides comprehensive job readiness, case management, skills analysis, job placement and retention services to a variety of populations: Employers, TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families), Adult and Dislocated Workers, Non-Custodial Parents, Ex-Offenders, Youth, Refugees, and other economically-disadvantaged, unemployed or underemployed populations.Primary funding sources for our programs include: Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and federal grant funding. We work collaboratively with funders and to understand and assess current needs and design and implement strategies that will provide the greatest impact on the overall performance of the program and region. Consulting SolutionsWhen companies and individuals find themselves in a time of transition, they turn to us. At EDSI Consulting, we provide world class advisory services to a variety of corporations, quasi-public entities and governmental agencies. Our history of success stems directly from our commitment to providing our clients with the absolute highest level of service through our diverse and talented team.EDSI representatives embody our mission. We see through the customer's eyes. We want to meet and exceed prescribed goals and expectations. We want to make a difference. We want to be there, when we are needed the most, for the people and organizations with whom we work.We are proud of our enduring relationships as trusted advisors, continually focused on solving your complex needs with innovative solutions. Our expertise and experience allow us to work with all levels and business functions within an organization, from the board room to the production floor, helping both individuals and organizations reach their full potentials.



Shanelle Ellis

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